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2021-05-18 17:19 来源:南方网


  We believe your degree should be planned around you. Maybe you’ve not quite decided what you’d like to study, or maybe there are a few areas you’re interested in and you can’t pick between them – don’t worry, we’ve got it covered.


  Economics at Aberdeen gets to grips with the global economy and the factors that influence wealth from a social and financial perspective, taught by leading economists. In this article we will be looking at the top 7 reasons to study an Economics degree at the University of Aberdeen.


  1. Get the best of both worlds with a dual degree

  Undergraduate Honours degrees in Scotland are usually four years in duration and are generally structured to ensure a great deal of flexibility during the first two years of study.

  1. 尽其擅长----拿到双学士学位


  But at Aberdeen we go one step further: flexibility and individuality are our real strengths. We know from experience that flexibility is very important in preparing our students for a world today in which new graduates need a wide range of knowledge, understanding and skills.


  Economics at Aberdeen explores the factors that affect political processes, social reforms and international relations within an economic context. You'll study topics including microeconomics of business and society, macroeconomics of the world economy, and economic problems within a variety of political, social and historical contexts.


  If you are looking to specialise in a specific area our Economics degree can be combined with a variety of interdisciplinary subjects from Finance, Accountancy and Legal Studies to History, Geography, or International Relations.


  2. Study a subject with a rich history over 100 years


  The University of Aberdeen is the fifth oldest University in the UK dating back to 1495 with a rich heritage in Economics that spans over 100 years.

  In 2020 the University celebrated the 100th anniversary of one of its most prestigious Chairs, as well as the life of Sir Thomas Jaffrey who established the Chair. The Jaffrey Chair in Political Economy was set up following an endowment by Sir Thomas, who was one of Aberdeen’s most respected businessmen and philanthropists.

  The University’s SIRE Professor of Economics, Keith Bender, is currently writinga biography of Sir Thomas, and each of the Chair’s holders to mark the anniversary.

  阿伯丁大学是英国第五古老的大学,建校于1495年,其中经济学学科历史也已经超过100的年。在2020年阿伯丁大学特别庆祝我们托马斯杰夫瑞爵士在100年前设立阿伯丁大学政治经济学讲席, 托马斯爵士是阿伯丁最受尊敬的商人和慈善家之一。阿伯丁大学的SIRE教授Keith Bender正在写作一本关于托马斯爵士的传记来庆祝和纪念这位阿伯丁大学经济学系讲席讲授。

  3. Learn from industry experts pioneering in their field


  Many of our academic staff are leading authorities in their fields engaged in research that benefits all of us globally but you especially when you choose to study one of their programmes.

  The University of Aberdeen Business School is currently undertaking a three year interdisciplinary project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council “Performance Related Pay and Health”.

  The study is being led by Professor Keith Bender, SIRE Chair in Economics at the University of Aberdeen Business School, in collaboration with Professor Ioannis Theodossiou in Economics, and Dr Julia Allan and Dr Daniel Powell, from the health psychology research group at the University’s Institute of Applied Health Sciences.

  Early results from these experiments show that PRP is associated with higher levels of cortisol response compared to other employment contracts. A podcast about the project was recorded as part of the University of Aberdeen’s 2020 Explorathon Public Engagement initiative and can be found here.

  我们的很多学者都是行业领先的业内知名学者,阿伯丁大学商学院在国家经济社科研究委员会的经费支持上开展跨学科项目“工资与健康关联性表现”。有我们的知名经济学主席教授 Keith Bender 和Ioannis, Julia. Daniel等知名学者的联合研究中,从健康心理学的角度发现收入与健康的联系。早期成果显示以雇员表现为导向的工资评价体系,比起其他合同制雇佣的关系,更会导致雇员皮质醇水平的升高。更多阿伯丁大学的2020开放公众参与研究计划的试听请点击这里。here.

  4. Gain the skills needed to become a leading Economist


  Our Economics graduates are sought after by top employers in business, government, education, and private consulting. Aberdeen is known as the oil and gas capital of Europe, which brings contact with multinational energy companies and graduate opportunities. However you'll have opportunities widely across industry.

  Some of our recent graduates have gone on to work as economists with the World Bank and the Institute for International Economics; as accountants with companies such as Ernst & Young and as finance professionals with Morgan Stanley, Scottish Life and Royal Bank of Scotland.


  4. Plenty of funding sources


  There are a number scholarships and grants for international students who wish to study at Aberdeen. For all available funding, from general bursaries and discount scheme to discipline and country specific scholarships, within the University and externally, you can visit our funding database.

  阿伯丁旨在为国际学生提供各种奖学金计划,包括学费的减免、生活补贴等等。欢迎根据下方链接查阅你所在的国家可以申请的奖学金名目。funding database.

  5. Access to world renowned Research Centres


  Many of our academic staff are leading authorities in their fields engaged in research that benefits all of us globally but you especially when you choose to study one of their programmes.

  The Department of Economics is the home to Scotland's first experimental economics laboratory: the Scottish Experimental Economics Laboratory (SEEL). This state-of-the-art experimental lab has been the focus of academic excellence and has been used to enhance our understanding of how markets work and how individuals make decisions.


  6. A packed programme of events and societies


  Aberdeen has a long tradition of welcoming international students from all over the world. We have a large international community of students and staff drawn from over 130 different countries, making Aberdeen their home away from home.

  With over 55 different sports clubs, over 180 societies and various student groups AUSA and the University of Aberdeen have a vibrant community spirit.

  With a thriving Economics Society, organising annual trips to international economic institutions including the European Union in Brussels, the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris.

  There is also a packed campus programme of student, public and business events including the Annual Watt Hepburn Lecture which welcomes internationally acclaimed public figures, business leaders, authors and broadcasters to discuss and debate critical business challenges in the world today. Keep up to date with our latest Business School events here.


  经济学社团每年会组织同学去参加各种不同的经济机构参观,如布鲁塞尔的欧盟总部、法兰克福的欧洲银行、巴黎的经济合作与发展组织,等等。另外学校的校园活动也有专门为同学开展的公共商务展会活动,比如Watt Hepburn讲座每年都会邀请世界知名商业领导者、作家、财经记者来讨论世界商务的挑战重大议题。关于最新的讲座主题,请参考这里。here


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