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巴斯大学|University of Bath

2020-07-03 11:11 来源:南方网


  我们在英国的国内排名中常年领先。在英国卫报大学排名(The Guardian University Guide)和英国完全大学指南排名(Complete University Guide)中,巴斯大学都排在英国前十,并且拥有英国政府认可的教学质量金奖(Gold in Teaching Excellence Framwork),充分证明了巴斯大学的教学质量在英国属于顶尖水平。巴斯大学学生的就业前景非常好,在2019年泰晤士报排名(The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019)的就业前景这一项中名列英国前五。

  At Bath we are known for excellence in both teaching and research; a superb student experience and for providing outstanding preparation for the workplace.

  Bath is ranked as one of the top universities in the UK, listed in the top ten by the Guardian University Guide and The Complete University Guide. We hold the gold award in the Government’s Teaching Excellence Framework, indicating that teaching is of the highest quality in the UK. We are also in the top 5 for graduate prospects in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019.


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